저의 새로운 발명품을 소개합니다! 폴드형 손잡이가 달려 한 손 만으로 쉽게 봉합하고 상처 보호 덮개까지 한번에 ! 혁신적 비침습 의료용 봉합 밴드. 발명품명도 FoldBand 입니다. www.foldband.com
저의 새로운 발명품을 소개합니다!
[Summary]The present invention is a cover-fixing medical non-invasive suturing band, providing an innovative technology capable of protecting and fixing the suturing part more safely and effectively after wound suturing. The first and second fitting protrusions and locking jaws formed on the surfaces A and D, respectively, are precisely engaged with the fitting grooves provided on the cover to stably fix the suturing part. This cover covers the suturing part to thoroughly protect the wound from external impact and contamination, thereby contributing to increasing the speed of wound recovery and significantly reducing the risk of infection.The suturing band of the present invention is provided in the form of a roll so that it can be customized to various sizes and shapes of wounds, and provides optimal protection according to the patient's condition through various configurations such as a small cover method, a cross cover method, a multiple cover method, and an internal fixing device method. In particular, the cover effectively covers and fixes the wound area, not only keeping the suturing part stronger, but also significantly shortens the procedure time and contributes to minimizing patient discomfort.
It has a fold-type handle that makes it easy to seal with one hand and even a protective cover at once! Innovative non-invasive medical suture band. Its invention is also called FoldBand.
The biggest feature and feature of the present invention is that various types of wound protection covers may protect the wound area and maintain the suture more firmly. This promotes wound recovery, minimizes the risk of infection, shortens the procedure time, and reduces patient discomfort.This innovative suturing method dramatically increases the work efficiency of medical staff and users, and makes the suturing work simple and quick. It also meets all the factors necessary to optimize wound recovery, provides medical benefits that minimize the risk of infection and maximize the safety of the wound. For this reason, the present invention presents an important breakthrough in the development of medical suturing devices and plays an essential role in ensuring psychological stability and physical recovery of patients after suturing.Roll Tape Type
FoldBand: Innovative medical band that easily sews with one hand
innovative design
Hello, my invention that I'm going to introduce is a medical suture band with a fold-type handle. The name of the invention is also "Fold Band." Fold is the trend in the world these days, right? ^^ Traditional wound-suture products have been uncomfortable for patients and had a high risk of infection by using needles and threads or requiring complicated procedures. However, this development has dramatically improved this problem.
This suture band has a fold-type handle structure that allows the wound to be easily pulled and sutured during the suturing process. The fold-type handle makes the suturing process of the incision very simple and easy to remove the tape, thereby minimizing skin damage.
The Fold Band is also affordable because it can be processed into rolls and cut as long as you need. It is designed to be mass produced, so it can be mass produced in the medical field with consistent quality.
This innovative design will improve convenience and safety in patients' care and contribute significantly to reducing medical costs. Enjoy an easier and more convenient treatment experience with my new invention, Fold Band, a medical suture band from Fold.
Hello, my invention that I'm going to introduce is a medical suture band with a fold-type handle. The name of the invention is also "Fold Band." Fold is the trend in the world these days, right? ^^ Traditional wound-suture products have been uncomfortable for patients and had a high risk of infection by using needles and threads or requiring complicated procedures. However, this development has dramatically improved this problem.
This suture band has a fold-type handle structure that allows the wound to be easily pulled and sutured during the suturing process. The fold-type handle makes the suturing process of the incision very simple and easy to remove the tape, thereby minimizing skin damage.
The Fold Band is also affordable because it can be processed into rolls and cut as long as you need. It is designed to be mass produced, so it can be mass produced in the medical field with consistent quality.
This innovative design will improve convenience and safety in patients' care and contribute significantly to reducing medical costs. Enjoy an easier and more convenient treatment experience with my new invention, Fold Band, a medical suture band from Fold.
Medical suture band _ PATENT Type N7-47Fold |
Medical suture band _ PATENT Type N3-07Fold |
Medical suture band _ PATENT Type N5-27Fold |
Medical suture band _ PATENT Type N5, N7 |
https://www.amazon.com/s?k=medical+suture+band&crid=MF2S6E9Z3FZ2&sprefix=medical+suture+band%2Caps%2C251&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 |
Silver Ag 3pcs |
Gold Au 3pcs |
FoldBand : 한손만으로 손쉽게 봉합 가능한 혁신적 비침습 의료용 봉합밴드
이번에 소개할 저의 새로운 발명품은 폴드형 손잡이가 달린 비침습 의료용 봉합 밴드입니다.
이름까지 FoldBand! 요즘 세계는 Fold가 대세죠~ ^
FoldBand는 4개의 면을 접어 올려(Fold Up 기능) 손잡이를 형성하고, 봉합 후 손잡이를 넘겨서 부가부착하여 상처를 안정적으로 고정합니다.
이 제품은 혼자서도 엄지와 검지만으로 간편하게 절개 부위를 봉합할 수 있어, 그야말로 의료용 밴드계의 혁신입니다.
FoldBand는 셀 형태뿐만 아니라 연속적인 롤 형태로도 제작이 가능하여 대량 생산에 적합하며, 생산 단가를 획기적으로 낮출 수 있습니다.
FoldBand를 통해 비침습 의료용 봉합밴드의 새로운 혁신을 경험해보세요.
자세한 내용은 www.FoldBand.com 에서 확인하세요.
FoldBand: 한손만으로 손쉽게 봉합 가능한 혁신적 비침습 의료용 봉합밴드
혁신적인 디자인
FoldBand는 4개의 면을 접어 올려 (Fold Up 기능) 손잡이를 형성하고, 봉합 후 손잡이를 넘겨 부가 부착하여 상처를 안정적으로 고정합니다. 혼자서도 엄지와 검지만으로 절개 부위를 간편하게 봉합할 수 있어, 의료 현장에서의 사용 편리성을 극대화했습니다.
효율적인 생산 및 비용 절감
FoldBand는 셀 형태로 제공될 뿐만 아니라 연속적인 롤 형태로도 제작 가능해, 대량 생산에 적합하며 생산 단가를 획기적으로 낮출 수 있는 특장점을 가지고 있습니다.
의료용 봉합밴드의 새로운 표준
이 획기적인 발명품은 의료용 밴드계의 혁신을 선도하며, 상처 치료의 새로운 기준을 제시합니다. 지금 FoldBand로 보다 안전하고 효과적인 봉합을 경험해보세요.
개발팀 소개
개발팀원 1: 33년차 발명가, 30년차 배우이자 방송인, 20년차 학생발명 선생님, 31년차 남편이자 아빠로 열심히 살고 있는 전 단국대 왕발명 교수. 발명 출원 300여 건.
개발팀원 2: 삼성전자 연구원, 발명 출원 다수 건.
개발팀원 3: 일본 물류회사 디자이너, 발명 출원 다수 건.
개발팀원 4: 항공사 관련 회사원, 발명 출원 다수 건.
(특허 7건 외 디자인, 상표 )
협업 할 시너지 파트너사를 찾습니다.
이 혁신적인 기술을 함께 발전시켜 나갈 소중한 파트너사를 찾고 있습니다.
궁금한 점이 있으시면 happyinvent1@gmail.com으로 연락 주세요.
この縫合バンドはフォールド型の柄の構造を備えており、縫合過程で傷口を簡単に引っ張って縫合することができます。 フォールド型の取っ手を利用すると、切開部の縫合過程が非常に簡単になり、テープを除去する時にも容易になり、肌の損傷を最小限に抑えることができます。
また、フォールド型の縫合バンド「Fold Band」はロール状に加工することもでき、必要な長さだけ切って使うことができ、非常に経済的です。 これは大量生産が可能なように設計し、一貫した品質を維持し、医療現場で大量使用が可能です。
このような革新的な設計は、患者の治療過程で便利さと安全性を高め、医療コストの削減にも大きく貢献するでしょう。 私の新しい発明品フォールド型医療用縫合バンド「Fold Band」で、より簡単で便利な治療経験をお楽しみいただけます。
FoldBandは4つの面を折り上げて(Fold Up機能)取っ手を形成し、縫合後に取っ手を渡して第2部が付着することで傷を安定的に固定します。 一人でも親指と人差し指だけで切開部位を簡単に縫合でき、医療現場での使用の利便性を極大化しました。
この画期的な発明品は、医療用バンド界の革新をリードし、傷の治療の新しい基準を提示します。 今、FoldBandでより安全で効果的な縫合を体験してみましょう。
ご不明な点がございましたら、happyinvent1@gmail.com までご連絡お願いします。
폴드형 의료용 봉합 밴드
이 상표는 'FoldBand'라는 글자와 함께 시각적 요소들이 결합된 디자인으로 구성되어 있습니다.
상부의 직선 바는 FoldBand 의 기능을 형상으로 표현하고 있으며, 그 중심에는 의료를 상징하는 십자 모양이 배치되어 있습니다.
글자 FoldBand 는 중간에 배치되어 있습니다. 그 아래에는 빼기 기호와 절개 상처 모양을 연상시키는 바가 배치되어 있어, 이 제품이 폴드형 의료용 봉합 밴드를 사용하여 절개된 피부 상처를 봉합하고 치료하는 용도임을 나타내고 있습니다.
이 상표는 의료용 비침습 봉합 밴드의 특징과 용도를 시각적으로 잘 표현하고 있는 창작적인 상표입니다.
A related idea
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It has a fold-type handle that makes it easy to seal with one hand and even a protective cover at once! Innovative non-invasive medical suture band. Its invention is also called FoldBand. |
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